Torment You Are

Bruised, wounded, bleeding
The pain that keep repeating
With no lineament to sooth it
And no corroboration to prove it
The pain one only can feel and
Not explain as they keep drowning,
Deeper and deeper
With no escape
This pain has its quirks,
As it takes you place where one only hurts
It’s quite really astonishing how one can
Rest here so freely…
With nobody
No sham sympathy
Just you and your empathy
Sometimes it gets little homely
With your chaotic noggin chimes
But you still yearn for the hurt
As you can’t deny the thirst
The thirst to hurt
To stay
To Annihilate
And rise from the ashes like the phoenix you are…
Don’t you know?
This hurt; it makes you, the mayhem that you are…
Don’t fight it
Embrace it
Bruised, wounded and bleeding
Impaled through it
As in the end
You shall prevail.

©Muntaqua Rana